Thursday, February 23, 2012

back on the speaking circuit

hey everyone,

it looks like i'm back on the speaking circuit! there were some recent requests/events that I could not pass down! So...for those of you in the Bay Area, find me at these events:

1. April 11th, 7-9pm: St. Mary's College of California
I'll be speaking with Sister Caritas Foster from Sisters of the Holy Family

2. April 12th, 7-8:30pm: Sonoma State University

3. April 20th, 6-9:30pm: Project Peace Event "The Slave Next Door - Making Justice Personal"
Kevin Bales, a well known author on human trafficking, and I will be speaking together, along other heavy hitters like Nola Brantley from M.I.S.S.S.E.Y in Oakland! $10 students, $15 general admission:

Also, I'm working on a Community-Based Research Project with survivors which I'm excited about and will share more about soon!

I'll also be at the Freedom Network Conference in NY in March!

I am hoping to update my blog more regularly, so check about again soon!