Thursday, November 15, 2012

Launch of the U.S. Senate Caucus to End Human Trafficking

Hey all, 

I wanted to share the transcript of my speech yesterday at the launch of the U.S. Senate Caucus to End Human Trafficking. I'm very proud of it! Click here to learn more about the Caucus: 

A special thanks to Callan, Brian, and Adam of the Endeavor Group, Miguel and Paress of Overbrook Entertainment, and all those of my chosen family mentioned below! 

Senate Caucus to End Human Trafficking
Launch Speech – Wed. November 14, 2012
Russell Senate Office Building, Room 385
Minh Dang

Thank you Senator Blumenthal, Senator Portman, and Mrs. Pinkett-Smith. I am honored to be here.

Friends and allies, members of the Senate, and Mr. President (I hope you’re somewhere listening), I stand before you today as a 28 year old graduate student at UC Berkeley. I stand before you as a friend, a lover, and hopefully as a future wife and future mother. I also stand before you as a former slave.

I was born in Stockton, CA to two Vietnamese refugees. In addition to early neglect and physical abuse, my mother and father began raping me when I was 3 years old. By the time I was 8, my father obtained an Engineering degree and reaped the rewards of the Silicon Valley tech boom and my mother established a nail salon in the San Francisco Bay Area. As my parents combined income reached six figures, they began selling me for sex. My commercial sexual enslavement lasted a decade, from age 10 until 20, when I was able to go to college and break away.

While you may look at me and see a beautiful and free woman, you may not see that my body, mind, and my heart remain enslaved in so many ways.  You may not see that I stand here, shaking, because I remember the days when my parents threatened to kill me if I told anyone about their crimes. I still need over 10 hours of mental health support a week in order to adapt to my life of freedom.

Today, I am joined by members of my chosen family: Lindsay Hegg, Amy Vernetti, John Weigold, Shamere, T, and many others who are not present but here in spirit…. I am not, however, joined my birth family. Each and every day, I grapple with the reality that my parents did not love me. My parents were my former slaver masters. They trafficked me, not some strangers on the street.

As my friend and fellow survivor Lindsay Hegg says, “We implore you to partner with survivors to give us the opportunity to live healthy lives. Without our lawmakers, we cannot create the infrastructure needed to give survivors of slavery the chance to be independent, whole citizens.”

I commend the initiation of this Caucus and wish you well on your abolitionist journey. This caucus gives me hope that we can eradicate slavery once again.

In closing, I have one statistic to share with you, to help us understand the realities of the 27 million people enslaved today. And that is the number 5282. That is the number of days until April 16, 2026. On April 16, 2026, the number of days I will have lived in freedom will finally outweigh the number of days I have lived in slavery. Today, I have lived only 30% of my life in freedom.

I hope that together, we can abolish slavery because every human being deserves to live 100% of their life in freedom.

Monday, July 16, 2012

goin' to DC

I thought I posted this yesterday, but I guess it didn't go through: 

So I just packed to go to DC and was thinking about how a colleague and friend recently said to me, "I hope you're writing." I hoped I was too. I find it difficult to write and at the same time, I really want a large audience - a large audience for my thoughts about life, living, loving, justice, healing and so much more. It also feels weird to want that large audience. I share so deeply with people - so personally. Typically, this is not something people do on a large scale. You don't go walking around sharing all of your "business". And oddly...we do...we hear about celebrities' every day lives, we watch tv shows where people talk about whose boyfriend slept with whom, we know every little detail about a politician's past before we will trust them...I think we have a fascination about other people's lives - it helps us live our own in some way. Anyway, I could go off on that topic but I prefer not to....I do want to share some of my "business" with people. 

Tomorrow, I will fly to DC to meet up with Jada Pinkett Smith, potentially Willow Smith, and other survivors of human trafficking. I was invited by Jada Pinkett Smith to join her as she gives her testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing. The topic is the next 10 years of anti-trafficking efforts, fighting with the right tools. I won't exactly be testifying in the Senate, but I'll be going and I have given Jada some ideas on what to write in her testimony. 

This is big. I think things have just went up a level for me in this work. Where do I want to go? What do I see myself doing? I'm tired. I have about 13 more hours of being 27 years old and I have to leave for the airport at 7am. More later. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

going to the U.S. Congress!

I was just invited to accompany Jada Pinkett Smith on Tuesday, July 17 to a Senate Hearing on Human Trafficking! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

and on we go

I just confirmed to speak at "TRUST WOMEN: Putting the rule of law behind women’s rights", a Thompson Reuters Foundation/International Herald Tribune Conference in London in December. I guess I better get some warm clothing...

For all you Californians, Vote YES on PROP 35 - CASE ACT this November. 
Californians Against Sexual Exploitation is a ballot initiative to increase penalties for human trafficking perpetrators and increase monies directed to survivor services. 
Read on: and please share with other voters!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

this is practice, right?

Today, I am reconnecting with the inspiration that led me to name my blog the practice of freedom. For a long time, I've debated whether or not I want to make this blog "high impact" - do I want more people to read it? Do I want more than 6 followers? (thank you to you faithful 6 followers!)  For the past 2.5 years, my answer was - I don't know. I don't know how much I want to share. Apparently I want to share a lot - I've been going around the country sharing about many intimate details about my life, past and present. And yet there is something about putting it down in a blog - making it available all the time. What will this mean for my future career? What if my professors read this? What if they google my name and read/hear about my story? Do I want my future children to know about this? These are real questions rather than rhetorical ones and today, I realized that it's okay if I have one answer today that is different from my answer yesterday, different from my answer 2 years ago or 2 years from now. 

Today, I DO want more people to know about the work I'm doing, what I'm thinking about, what I'm musing on. And how did I come to this realization? Well...recently, I've been posting a LOT on my facebook page. I suppose that's a quick and easy way for folks to hear about things. And yet, I don't know that my FB page is where I want to post things. I gotta choose who to post to, create many groups, etc. Here at my blog, I mostly know my audience and my purpose. I won't be posting to you a picture of the peanut pancakes I made this morning or telling you about my recent restaurant finds. Unless....I find out that peanuts are shelled by people who are enslaved or a restaurant is superbly anti-slavery/slave free. I think you get my point. 

Anyhow, in my practice of freedom, I will attempt to write more here as I keep wanting to and if I change my mind later, so be it. So if I haven't been explicit before, I will now - Please share this blog with anyone interested in learning more about child abuse, trauma, human trafficking, healing, etc. I hope to slowly build it out....

In other news - I got to meet Jada and Will Smith at a recent Alameda County Human Exploitation and Trafficking (HEAT) conference! 

Learn more about Jada Pinkett Smith's work here:

Saturday, May 12, 2012

tainted seafood

At the Freedom Network Conference this past March, I got to meet E. Benjamin Skinner who wrote A Crime So Monsterous, a book revealing some of the horrors of human trafficking. Mr. Skinner is lauded as one of the first authors to write about modern-day slavery from the perspective of 4 different continents. His keynote at the conference was humble, engaging, and heart felt. I appreciated that very much. He was one of the only keynote speakers who acknowledged that there were survivors in the room and that our voices were most important in this movement. 

Anyhow, I am having a conversation with him tomorrow (!) so I read one of his articles. It's worth a read. It will make it hard to shop at certain place, just FYI. If you aren't ready to be conflicted with where you shop (yet again), don't read it. If you do want to see how we are all implicated in modern day slavery, on...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sonoma State Presentation & Resources

I presented at Sonoma State University last night and I want to thank Alyssa, Audrey, Sophie, Bruce and Jodi for being such gracious hosts! Here are the resources I shared last night. I will work on organizing these and putting them on the resources page for everyone!

National Human Trafficking Hotline:1-888-3737-888
Report suspicious behavior/businesses AND find out about resources. Callers are routed to local jurisdictions.

Advocate and vote: California Against Sexual Exploitation (CASE) Act on Nov 2012 ballot:

Verity (serves Sonoma County):
Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting, and Serving Sexually Exploited Youth(MISSSEY) (in Oakland)

To educate yourself and others:
§Napa Trans Bay Steel Corporation and Kota Manpower Inc. Case in 2006:
§Clover Stornetta Farm’s Adherence to Supply Chain Act:
§Free 2 Work phone app to learn about major company's "slave-free grade":
§Human Trafficking in California:
§Look Beneath the Surface Campaign(for posters/brochures):
§Bay Area Freedom Summit 2013:

§Movies to watch: Very Young Girls, Call & Response, Born into Brothels, Maria Full of Grace, Dark Side of Chocolate

Other Resources:
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network:
Polaris Project:
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking:
Girls Educational and Mentoring Services:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

child prostitution is an oxymoron people


"TO HAVE sex with young girls, said Brazil’s highest criminal court on March 27th, is “immoral and reprehensible”. But a man who had sex with three 12-year-olds in 2002, it decided, had committed no crime. Since 2009 the age of consent in Brazil has been 14, but at the time there was merely a presumption that sex with a child below that age involved violence and should therefore be regarded as rape. Reversing a previous ruling by other members of the Higher Court of Justice (STJ), the judges decided that this presumption could not be absolute, but must stand or fall on the facts of each case. "

Thursday, February 23, 2012

back on the speaking circuit

hey everyone,

it looks like i'm back on the speaking circuit! there were some recent requests/events that I could not pass down! So...for those of you in the Bay Area, find me at these events:

1. April 11th, 7-9pm: St. Mary's College of California
I'll be speaking with Sister Caritas Foster from Sisters of the Holy Family

2. April 12th, 7-8:30pm: Sonoma State University

3. April 20th, 6-9:30pm: Project Peace Event "The Slave Next Door - Making Justice Personal"
Kevin Bales, a well known author on human trafficking, and I will be speaking together, along other heavy hitters like Nola Brantley from M.I.S.S.S.E.Y in Oakland! $10 students, $15 general admission:

Also, I'm working on a Community-Based Research Project with survivors which I'm excited about and will share more about soon!

I'll also be at the Freedom Network Conference in NY in March!

I am hoping to update my blog more regularly, so check about again soon!