Wednesday, June 20, 2012

this is practice, right?

Today, I am reconnecting with the inspiration that led me to name my blog the practice of freedom. For a long time, I've debated whether or not I want to make this blog "high impact" - do I want more people to read it? Do I want more than 6 followers? (thank you to you faithful 6 followers!)  For the past 2.5 years, my answer was - I don't know. I don't know how much I want to share. Apparently I want to share a lot - I've been going around the country sharing about many intimate details about my life, past and present. And yet there is something about putting it down in a blog - making it available all the time. What will this mean for my future career? What if my professors read this? What if they google my name and read/hear about my story? Do I want my future children to know about this? These are real questions rather than rhetorical ones and today, I realized that it's okay if I have one answer today that is different from my answer yesterday, different from my answer 2 years ago or 2 years from now. 

Today, I DO want more people to know about the work I'm doing, what I'm thinking about, what I'm musing on. And how did I come to this realization? Well...recently, I've been posting a LOT on my facebook page. I suppose that's a quick and easy way for folks to hear about things. And yet, I don't know that my FB page is where I want to post things. I gotta choose who to post to, create many groups, etc. Here at my blog, I mostly know my audience and my purpose. I won't be posting to you a picture of the peanut pancakes I made this morning or telling you about my recent restaurant finds. Unless....I find out that peanuts are shelled by people who are enslaved or a restaurant is superbly anti-slavery/slave free. I think you get my point. 

Anyhow, in my practice of freedom, I will attempt to write more here as I keep wanting to and if I change my mind later, so be it. So if I haven't been explicit before, I will now - Please share this blog with anyone interested in learning more about child abuse, trauma, human trafficking, healing, etc. I hope to slowly build it out....

In other news - I got to meet Jada and Will Smith at a recent Alameda County Human Exploitation and Trafficking (HEAT) conference! 

Learn more about Jada Pinkett Smith's work here:

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