hey everyone,
it looks like i'm back on the speaking circuit! there were some recent requests/events that I could not pass down! So...for those of you in the Bay Area, find me at these events:
1. April 11th, 7-9pm: St. Mary's College of California
I'll be speaking with Sister Caritas Foster from Sisters of the Holy Family
2. April 12th, 7-8:30pm: Sonoma State University
3. April 20th, 6-9:30pm: Project Peace Event "The Slave Next Door - Making Justice Personal"
Kevin Bales, a well known author on human trafficking, and I will be speaking together, along other heavy hitters like Nola Brantley from M.I.S.S.S.E.Y in Oakland! $10 students, $15 general admission: http://theslavenextdoor-eivtefrnd.eventbrite.com/
Also, I'm working on a Community-Based Research Project with survivors which I'm excited about and will share more about soon!
I'll also be at the Freedom Network Conference in NY in March! http://freedomnetworkusa.org/
I am hoping to update my blog more regularly, so check about again soon!
I'm glad you have decided to step back onto the speaking circuit, on your terms, Minh. Maybe rather than being "done" with focusing on your story in public speaking, you can use these events to help you stretch and shape your new projects and identity as a social worker, scholar, etc. I hope I can make it to one of your Bay Area events!