Monday, July 16, 2012

goin' to DC

I thought I posted this yesterday, but I guess it didn't go through: 

So I just packed to go to DC and was thinking about how a colleague and friend recently said to me, "I hope you're writing." I hoped I was too. I find it difficult to write and at the same time, I really want a large audience - a large audience for my thoughts about life, living, loving, justice, healing and so much more. It also feels weird to want that large audience. I share so deeply with people - so personally. Typically, this is not something people do on a large scale. You don't go walking around sharing all of your "business". And oddly...we do...we hear about celebrities' every day lives, we watch tv shows where people talk about whose boyfriend slept with whom, we know every little detail about a politician's past before we will trust them...I think we have a fascination about other people's lives - it helps us live our own in some way. Anyway, I could go off on that topic but I prefer not to....I do want to share some of my "business" with people. 

Tomorrow, I will fly to DC to meet up with Jada Pinkett Smith, potentially Willow Smith, and other survivors of human trafficking. I was invited by Jada Pinkett Smith to join her as she gives her testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing. The topic is the next 10 years of anti-trafficking efforts, fighting with the right tools. I won't exactly be testifying in the Senate, but I'll be going and I have given Jada some ideas on what to write in her testimony. 

This is big. I think things have just went up a level for me in this work. Where do I want to go? What do I see myself doing? I'm tired. I have about 13 more hours of being 27 years old and I have to leave for the airport at 7am. More later. 

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