Friday, April 13, 2012

Sonoma State Presentation & Resources

I presented at Sonoma State University last night and I want to thank Alyssa, Audrey, Sophie, Bruce and Jodi for being such gracious hosts! Here are the resources I shared last night. I will work on organizing these and putting them on the resources page for everyone!

National Human Trafficking Hotline:1-888-3737-888
Report suspicious behavior/businesses AND find out about resources. Callers are routed to local jurisdictions.

Advocate and vote: California Against Sexual Exploitation (CASE) Act on Nov 2012 ballot:

Verity (serves Sonoma County):
Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting, and Serving Sexually Exploited Youth(MISSSEY) (in Oakland)

To educate yourself and others:
§Napa Trans Bay Steel Corporation and Kota Manpower Inc. Case in 2006:
§Clover Stornetta Farm’s Adherence to Supply Chain Act:
§Free 2 Work phone app to learn about major company's "slave-free grade":
§Human Trafficking in California:
§Look Beneath the Surface Campaign(for posters/brochures):
§Bay Area Freedom Summit 2013:

§Movies to watch: Very Young Girls, Call & Response, Born into Brothels, Maria Full of Grace, Dark Side of Chocolate

Other Resources:
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network:
Polaris Project:
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking:
Girls Educational and Mentoring Services:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

child prostitution is an oxymoron people


"TO HAVE sex with young girls, said Brazil’s highest criminal court on March 27th, is “immoral and reprehensible”. But a man who had sex with three 12-year-olds in 2002, it decided, had committed no crime. Since 2009 the age of consent in Brazil has been 14, but at the time there was merely a presumption that sex with a child below that age involved violence and should therefore be regarded as rape. Reversing a previous ruling by other members of the Higher Court of Justice (STJ), the judges decided that this presumption could not be absolute, but must stand or fall on the facts of each case. "